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Police Beat: Broom whacking causes wife's swelling

Tempe police reported the following incidents Tuesday:

A 49-year-old Tempe man was arrested near the 1200 block of West University Drive on a charge of assault and domestic violence. He was charged with striking his wife with a broom, which caused swelling.

An 18-year-old Phoenix man was arrested on a charge of shoplifting from a Target Corp. near the 1800 block of East Baseline Road. He was charged with leaving the store without paying for five compact discs, a Sony compact disc player and four rolls of 35 mm film. The found items totaled $146.43.

A 22-year-old Tucson woman was arrested near the 100 block of East Fifth Street on a charge of disorderly conduct. Police were called three times with reports of screaming and yelling coming from the apartment.

A 34-year-old transient man was arrested near the 2100 block of East University Drive on a charge of trespassing. Police gave a verbal warning when they arrived, and the man left. Approximately 50 minutes later, he returned and was arrested.

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