Cheers to Chiapas
I wanted to thank Ms. Portillo for raising awareness as to the issue of the utter destitution strangling the indigenous people of Mexico ("Defending the Chiapanecos," Dec. 1).
I was in Oaxaca (the neighboring state of Chiapas) in 1997 and saw firsthand the influences of the EZLN. Sadly, one cannot study the history of Mexico without being bombarded with accounts of governmental oppression and foreign exploitation of the Indian population. Though they seem to be victims, I believe the unbreakable spirit that I witnessed will gradually lead to an improvement in their social and economic condition.
And if those in control continue to neglect the basic rights of the Indians, as Subcomandante Marcos put it, "Our voice of fire will speak again."
-Ted Novak
Defending Bush's convictions
Emily Lyons' column, "Bush's turkey trip showed conviction, stubbornness" (Dec. 1), was another example of baseless liberal hatred of President Bush. He would have been lambasted if he did not visit the troops for being "too far removed from the situation." Now that he has visited, she likens his convictions to those of a terrorist.
Let us not forget that one of the hats that a U.S. president wears is that of commander in chief. Bush visiting the troops was a moving picture of a commander who cares.
One cannot logically link the reasoning of the Sept. 11 terrorists to that of Bush. Let us not forget that the targets of Sept. 11 were innocent civilians - men, women, children - all innocent lives taken at the hands of ruthless, bloodthirsty terrorists. Bush, on the other hand, has targeted those very terrorists in an attempt to spare other innocent lives.
-Brant Nyhart