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Devil Bites: Win vs. UA couldn't have been sweeter

The following are memorable quotations compiled from the news that appeared in The State Press throughout the week.

"It couldn't have turned out any better."

-Football head coach Dirk Koetter, on the 28-7 victory over archrival UA.

"Have a happy holiday, too. Just remember what it's all about - spending time with your family."

-ASU West communication senior Lisa Fujii, on the idea behind "Buy Nothing Day."

"I would like to see them analyze who is going to pay for it when only 10 percent of students use the SRC."

-ABOR President-elect Gary Stuart, on a student government plan that would expand the Memorial Union and Student Recreation Complex and increase student fees.

"What I find is that typically through a recession, employers go with more experienced cohorts; these are the 25-54-year-olds and 55-plus, and so their unemployment rates, relative to national unemployment rates improve ... while the younger cohorts don't do as well."

-Anthony Chan, Bank One Investment Advisors' chief economist and senior managing director, on the uncertain job market, and its potential effect on graduates.

"We had students that needed to register for classes, had been promised a scholarship and the money wasn't there," Glick said. "Those are both moral and legal contracts."

-ASU Provost Milton Glick, on endowments managed by the ASU Foundation that were crippled by a weak economy, which resulted in a loss of scholarship money earlier this semester.

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