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Boos & Bravos: Boo to Parking and Transit

If we published a top-10 ranking of great semesters, this one wouldn't make the list. Still, there were small doses of goodness that came out of the fall session. In this semester's final edition of "Boos & Bravos," we'll do our best to recap our little world's best and worst of the past four months.

BOO to that little switch that turns student athletes into raging psychopaths. True, collegiate sportsmen aren't the only folks who go ballistic on car doors and vulnerable women. But when you've scored a full-ride scholarship and the privilege to don the maroon and gold in front of 50,000-plus adoring fans every Saturday, we expect a helluva lot more. We're putting the onus squarely on the shoulders of ASU's coaches, who must play a larger role in the development of these young adults who have had good fortune thrown at their feet without the threat of accountability for far too long.

BRAVO to The State Press' Samantha Xanthos and the thousands of college-aged men and women who safely returned home from the war in Iraq to continue their pursuit of a higher education.

BRAVO to the surge in letters to the editor. In the homestretch, our readers really pulled through and got typing. This paper is your forum, and we hope that you continue to engage in free (and thoughtful) speech.

BOO to ASU's Parking and Transit Services for its misinterpretation of the job description. Your duty to enforce the University's parking guidelines should not include generating revenue in order to make a profit. We predict a student revolt sometime in the very near future.

BRAVO to the readers who saw through Tyler Craig's ignorance and hatred toward those who share a different lifestyle than him. Last time we checked, liberals don't hold a monopoly on tolerance.

BOO to tenured professors who take their jobs for granted.

BRAVO to students who have taken the initiative to fighting greedy textbook retailers. Soon, we hope, we'll all be paying fair prices thanks to some of ASU's most innovative students.

BOO to an inconsistent ASU football team, so full of promise at the beginning of the season - so full of excuses at the end.

BOO to the Tempe City Council. The students you have offended have long memories. Don't be surprised if they turn you into a transient on the next Election Day.

BRAVO to a much-needed winter break. Maybe the holiday season will restore our faith in the process that guides our University and our community. Enjoy the month off.

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