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Devil Dish: Winslow a childish, arrogant sore loser


So Kellen Winslow Jr. supposedly apologized three days ago for calling himself a "soldier" after Miami's 10-6 loss to Tennessee. I guess you think we should leave him alone, right? Especially now that Hurricanes coach Larry Coker has decided to bench the super-talented waste of a tight end for at least the start of Miami's next game on Saturday.

Too bad.

Winslow's an arrogant punk who thinks it was only military personnel he offended with his childish chest-thumping and post-loss theatrics. Well that ain't the problem, Kellen.

Fans are fed up with juvenile sports figures - from Bobby Knight's chair-throwing tirades to Mike Tyson's ear-biting, child-eating cannibalism - who need to shut up when they don't put up. And that goes for Winslow's "bleeping soldier" nonsense, as well as his two unsportsmanlike conduct penalties that helped send the 'Canes to a loss that eliminated them from national championship contention.

Here's hoping Miami and Winslow's next opponent, Syracuse, puts the sore in this loser.

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