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Residence halls may ditch landlines

Accounting senior Shawna McDowell talks on her cell phone, on Monday. Residential Life is considering removing landline phones.

A student official from ASU's Residence Hall Association said the University was contemplating an exclusive cellular phone contract that would market the telephones to students who live in residence halls.

"It was my understanding that they would be moving away from phones in the halls and rather offer an exclusive deal, like a cell deal to residents in general," said secondary education junior John Menard, president for the Residence Hall Association. Residential Life officials did not return repeated calls for comment on the matter.

Details of a possible plan to award the contract were brought up as part of conversations held between the association and Residential Life in mid-September, Menard said.

"Residents will be able to get a discounted rate on a cell phone plan and possibly - there was the talk of - getting a deal on a phone, like an ASU phone," Menard said.

Students had mixed reactions to the possible contract.

Undeclared freshman Jackie Medrano lives in PV Main and does not have a cellular phone. She said she would not be persuaded to buy one if a cheap deal were offered.

"I don't want my family or anybody being able to contact me at all times of day," she said. "The home phone and the one in the dorms are just enough."

Communication freshman Bart Alazio's cellular telephone contract with Verizon Wireless will expire in 15 months.

Alazio is from New Jersey and chose Verizon because of its America's Choice plan that offers national coverage, he said. But, he added that he would consider switching to another service if they offered more than just a local service.

"I would switch probably, if only it was a better deal," he said.

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