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Boos & Bravos: Bravo for feathering the Tar Heels

BOO to velour. The male component of our editorial board says velour sweat pants make girls look like off-duty strippers. The female component of our editorial board has multiple colors of velour pants. Hmm. We're clearly divided on this. Write us with your thoughts on velour at

BRAVO to the ASU football team. You guys really feathered those Tar Heels last Saturday. Good luck against UCLA.

BOO to the referees during the ASU-UNC game. The Sun Devils were given 16 penalties to the Tar Heels' three. We think those refs were wearing blue and white under their stripes.

BRAVO to textbook trading. It's great that students are helping each other save money. And for that matter ...

BOO to bookstores and companies that gouge textbook prices. Students, save your wallet and find alternative ways of purchasing texts. And no, that doesn't mean not ever buying the books at all.

BRAVO to tubas and Octubafest, Oct. 25-31, (480) 965-TUNE). These "support instruments" deserve recognition. Tuba players are more than just blowhards.

BOO to crotchety Tempe residents. While we understand both sides of the party ordinance case, it broke our hearts to hear that some residents consider us guests of this city. In-state or out-of-state, many of us have come to call Tempe home. We know we have to respect non-students who live here. We students ask the same courtesy.

BRAVO to ASU and Tempe police for taking surveys about how ASU and its community feel about your job performance. Thanks for caring enough to ask how we think you can better protect us.

BOO to hateful and pornographic e-mails. While we love free speech, bigoted comments and raunchy testimonials disrespect the forum for intelligent debate that "Letters to the Editor" provides.

BRAVO to the Associated Students of ASU's Undergraduate Student Government Senate. From one meeting came a promise to look into this whole draconian loud-party ordinance amendment AND a bill reminding the administration about the importance of fine arts on campus. Not bad for a night's work.

BOO to the weather. Maybe if we keep BOOing the heat, it will go away. If it stays this hot, how are we supposed to wear our velour Halloween costumes? Plus, we're sick of the fake tans and clichéd barbed-wire tattoos that this weather is allowing to persist on campus. We can't wait until it's cooler so those trendy kids cover up already.

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