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Police Beat: Charming the trouser snake

Tempe Police reported the following incidents Sunday:

A 30-year-old Scottsdale man was arrested near the 700 block of West Fifth Street on charges of indecent exposure. Victims reportedly saw the man masturbating. When arrested, the man's penis was reportedly hanging out of his pants.

A 37-year-old Tempe man was arrested near the 1800 block of East Apache Boulevard on charges of shoplifting. The man reportedly walked out of the Food and Fuel Convenience store without paying for a 24-can pack of Natural Ice beer.

A 19-year-old Tempe man was arrested near the 6600 block of South Price Road on charges of underage DUI. The man reportedly left the scene of an accident.

A 42-year-old Tempe man was arrested near the 100 block of South Hardy Road on charges of domestic violence assault after yelling at his son in an alleyway.

A 25-year-old Phoenix woman was arrested near the 5000 block of South Arizona Mills Circle on charges of shoplifting. The woman reportedly took two pairs of sunglasses from Burlington Coat Factory and left the store without paying.

A 32-year-old Tempe man was arrested near the 5300 block of South Mill Avenue on charges of domestic violence assault and aggravated assault on an officer. The man reportedly grabbed the victim around the neck, then slammed a wooden door on the officer's arm.

A 21-year-old transient woman was arrested near the 1100 block of South Hazelton Road on charges of assault after she reportedly tackled the victim to the ground.

A 34-year-old transient man was arrested near the 700 block of South Mill Avenue on charges of drinking alcohol in public. The man was reportedly seen drinking from a 24-ounce can of Steel Reserve malt liquor.

A 22-year-old Peoria man was arrested near the 500 block of South Mill Avenue on charges of public urination after he was reportedly seen urinating behind a dumpster.

ASU Police reported the following incidents on Sunday:

A 21-year-old Tempe man was arrested near the intersection of Scottsdale and McDowell roads on charges of drinking in public.

An 18-year-old Tempe man was arrested in the Cholla Apartments on charges of possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Resident assistants in Cholla reportedly smelled marijuana coming from the man's apartment and an investigation revealed the man was in possession of a multicolored glass pipe and a small plastic bag containing 1 gram of marijuana.

A window was reportedly broken in Palo Verde Main. Officers observed broken glass and an oval shaped rock on the floor. Total estimated loss was $200.

A fight reportedly occurred in Best Hall. An RA reportedly saw four to six people fighting, one of whom allegedly had a knife. A victim sustained a small abrasion below his left eye.

A wallet was reportedly stolen from the nursing building. The victim left a lab for a few minutes and returned to find her backpack opened and her wallet missing. Total estimated loss is $25.

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