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Devil Dish: Video games can't pick Cards for Super Bowl


ESPN proved one thing Thursday: You can never trust the mind of a computer.

During the afternoon broadcast of "SportsCenter," ESPN anchor Dan Patrick announced that the Arizona Cardinals - if left to the whim of a computer chip - would reign supreme this NFL season by virtue of the team's Super Bowl victory in a simulated season of Sega's new ESPN video football game.

Thanks to Sega, we now know what really caused the stock market crash of 1987. Hanging chads in 2000? Nope, blame it on a maniacal mainframe. And soon, I'm sure we'll all discover that the Great Blackout of 2003 was the work of a bumbling box of bolts.

So ESPN wants me to believe that the Cards have a shot at the Super Bowl? To that, I say, "I'm sorry Dan, I'm afraid I can't do that."

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