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Prop 411: County Jail Tax Extension

This is the final part in a 14-part series. The election will be held on Nov. 5, to find your voting site log on to and click on "Elections."

Proposition 411: Extends the one-fifth cent sales tax for jail construction for 20 years after its expiration in 2007.

Background of the issue: Voters approved the jail tax in 1998, but the county has brought the proposition to ensure funding in the future.

Who proposed it: 400-level propositions are made by individual counties, and it makes a specific change to that county. Proposition 411 was proposed by Maricopa County.

Arguments for: Extending the tax would ensure that our jail system is properly funded to avoid overcrowding and dangerous conditions.

Arguments against: Sales tax revenues change with the economy, so it may be an unreliable source of funding. The county should use money from other programs to fund the jail system.

Sources: 2002 Ballot Propositions & Judicial Performance Review; Arizona Secretary of State office.

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