ASU's regent selection committee made its final decision for student regent consideration Monday.
Danielle Peterson and Edward Ableser are the final candidates from ASU for the position. The student regent serves for two years, representing the interests of ASU, NAU and UA students on the Arizona Board of Regents.
Tim Lant, who was elected graduate student affairs vice president in last month's Associated Students of ASU elections, was chosen as an alternate.
"We're very pleased with the candidates who were chosen," said Jeremy Helper, regent selection committee chairman and student body president. "We believe that they were the most qualified applicants for the position based on their experience and credentials, as well as their grasp and concern for student issues."
Ableser, Peterson and Lant were chosen from an initial list of eight candidates.
Paul Li, the interim government relations director for ASASU, said the process is not yet finished, but he is confident that the chosen candidates will be approved by ASASU's Senate.
"We're a long way from being done," he said, "but the two people we chose will do a great job representing the ASU community."
The two candidates now stand to be approved by the ASASU Senate on March 26. The process will be completed in late April to early May, Li said.
Each of state universities gives their recommendation for the position to Gov. Jane Hull, who will select the final two.
There are two student regents for the three Arizona Universities. The current student regents are Myrina Robinson of NAU and Matthew Meaker of UA.
The student regents will then serve from July 1 until June 30, 2004.
Peterson is a first-year law student who earned her master's of arts in political science. Ableser is currently pursuing a master's degree in counseling and received his master's of arts from ASU in political science.
Peterson said she was interested in the position because it would give her a chance to represent the needs and interests of all the universities, not just ASU.
"I think his would be an opportunity to serve the students and advocate student needs," she said.
There are seven people on the ASU selection committee, including representatives from Greek Life, ASASU and the Residence Hall Association.
"I think we had a well-diversified committee who represented a wide range of student interests," Helper said. "We're confident that the selection committee made the appropriate recommendation for the ASASU Senate and Gov. Hull."
Li agreed.
"It's an important position, and we took the task seriously," he said. "We definitely picked great candidates."
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