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Cox, Leingang to battle in run-off

Associated Students of ASU's next president will be chosen in a run-off election next month.

Meghan Cox received the 1,150 votes in Monday and Tuesday's primary election and Mike Leingang received 899 to force another contest between the two. Candi Crisione, who received 604 votes, will not move on to the run-off.

A total of 2,991 votes were cast this year which means voter turnout was a mere seven percent.

ASASU newcomer Brian Buck was elected executive vice president with 1,226 votes over current College of Business Senator Matt Schuh. Schuh finished with 1,090 votes.

Write-in candidate Andrew McKenna will be the next campus affairs vice president and Shanna Bowman beat Michael Rodriguez to become the next activities vice president.

Tim Lant will be the next graduate affairs vice president. He was the only candidate for the office.

ASASU Senate Winners:

Architecture: Deliana Biernstein and Halina Steiner.

Business: Lauren Bower and Robert Owen Ferris.

Education: Judy Truong.

Engineering: Miguel Ruiz and Scott Sifferman.

Fine Arts: Marica James and Kathleen Cunningham.

Graduate: Michael Caulkins.

Honors: Kyle Burns and Brandon Goad.

Law: Danelle Peterson and Robert Pizorno.

Liberal Arts and Sciences: Amanda Norris and Lindsay Moran.

Nursing: Nancy Collicot.

Public Programs: Lyndsey Buschbacher and Alicia Lopatic.

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