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Semester a roller coaster of events, emotions

I've always had a hard time getting into the spirit of Christmas.

It's more a chore than a joy to decorate the tree and hang stockings. Christmas lights are overrated, and if you've seen one nativity scene, you've seen them all. The long lines for Santa at the malls get annoying and holiday music gets old fast.

But, at least for me, this year is different.

Last night, the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center in New York City was lit, signifying the beginning of the holiday season for many across the United States. In light of the events of recent months, the tree was lit a week earlier than usual, because, let's face it, we could all use a little more holiday cheer than usual.

More than ever, I look forward to the end of finals, the holidays and a four-week break from classes. I don't know about you, but I can't wait for the end of this semester. This semester sucked.

Let's review.

At the beginning of the year, we learned that the red tide of communism was making its way across campus as socialist professors brainwashed students at ASU by teaching women's studies and African-American studies courses.

Luckily, Associated Students of ASU Sen. Oubai Shahbandar was there to save us. "Mein Kampf" in hand, Shahbandar posted a "Socialist Professor of the Month" feature on his College Republican Web site and posted signs all over campus that reminded women they can prevent themselves from being raped if they join his little group.

Speaking of right-wing psychopaths, Gene Ganssle and his band of bigots marched across Tempe trying to oust a good mayor. In the end, they lost big — but ended up costing us big, too — to the tune of $100,000, taxpayers paid the bill for the unwarranted recall election of Neil Giuliano.

On a heavier note, before school even started, residents on the south side of campus were shocked and scared when 19-year-old freshman Jessica Woodin lost her life after she was struck by a speeding car while crossing Apache Boulevard. While Woodin never got a chance to start her collegiate career, the alleged drunken driver of the car that hit her was Mark Torre, an ASU graduate.

Just a few weeks later, we woke up on a Tuesday morning only to see the famous twin towers of the World Trade Center fall like building blocks at the hand of terrorists. It's true, the tragedy brought us together as a nation, but on an individual level, it was devastating for many.

A recent New England Journal of Medicine article reported that half of American adults pronounced symptoms of stress following Sept. 11. Disturbed by the attacks, many Americans had nightmares, trouble sleeping and suffered from angry outbursts. Just last week, many people refused to get on board airplanes to go home for Thanksgiving because of the fear induced from Sept. 11.

The attacks started a war and also took a recession that we've been in since March and shook it into something much worse. Immediately after, the stock market fell like a rock and companies started laying off employees by the thousands. Local employers like America West Airlines, Motorola and USAA were hit hard.

Hiring freezes continue to hold for many companies, and we seniors have started to worry about what the job market will be like when we graduate. After eight years of an incredible economy, we have to get used to whatever bad things happen in a recession. I'm not really sure what those things are because the last time we had a recession another George Bush was in the White House. Coincidence?

When I graduate, I think I'm going to run for governor. If I win, I can fly to my northern Arizona home on my private, taxpayer-funded jet while cutting pay raises to state employees, many who work hard to keep our state universities successful. After costing the state hundreds of millions of dollars because I'm stupid and ignorant (I'm going to pass some alternative-fuels legislation), I am going to cut university budgets and make hard-working students suffer. Wait ... it looks like somebody beat me to it.

Back on campus, more went wrong. Following the Sept. 11 attacks, an ASU student allegedly lied about being attacked on campus — twice. His lies caused many international students to pack their bags and head home. Others lived in fear.

ASU plant biology professor Ralph Backhaus was arrested for allegedly using University equipment to make Ecstasy.

Construction on this campus is never ending.

Parking and Transit Services still ticket cars.

Despite a new coach and players full of heart, the Sun Devil football team had a disappointing season and, even worse, lost to UA. The prospects for basketball don't look much better. There is a bright spot in the athletic department, though. Our women's soccer team has never lost to the Wildcats.

The search to replace two ASU legends has begun. Former Student Media director Bruce Itule was a Freedom Forum professor of the year, enormously popular with students, and leaves big shoes to fill. After 12 years at the helm, outgoing ASU President Lattie Coor will go down in history along with Arthur John Matthews, Grady Gammage and G. Homer Durham as the best presidents ASU has ever had.

It's not very often we have to deal with a recession, terrorism, a war, budget cuts and a bad football season. But it will get better.

A little holiday cheer and a break from classes may go a long way for all of us this year.

Seth Scott is a journalism and political science senior. Reach him at

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