Amidst the festivities of Spirit and Cultural Day on Hayden Lawn Friday, this year's Homecoming King and Queen were crowned.
Jayme Sloan, selected as Queen, is a double major in biology and business management.
King Brian Lutz is a triple major in biology, Spanish and finance in the Barrett Honors College.
Both are actively involved with Associated Students of ASU and around campus. Lutz is a member of the Gamma Beta Phi fraternity. Sloan is a founding member of Operation KID, a non-profit organization that aims to keep terminally-ill children dreaming, and is the former international president for Circle K International, a collegiate service organization.
"Members of the academic community consisting of professors, teachers assistants and the Residence Hall Association review our applications to try to get group committed to the university," Sloan said.
All of the homecoming court underwent a rigorous application process and interview before being appointed to the court. As a part of the court, they had to attend every Homecoming event before the King and Queen were crowned.
"I've been involved on campus and thought that being on the homecoming court would be a capstone event," said Lutz.
There are three more events before Homecoming Weekend ends, including the Lantern Walk up "A" mountain Friday night, Saturday's Homecoming Parade Homecoming game against Washington State.