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ASU 'Ken and Barbie' reputation well-deserved

With tops down, ASU men like to cruise down the street in sports cars and Gucci sunglasses.

Strolling down Palm Walk is like walking down a fashion runway in Milan.

Beautiful women sport Prada book bags, sparkling white teeth, and Louis Vuitton handbags. Men cruise in sports cars wearing Gucci sunglasses, strong builds, and Diesel jeans.

The reputation of good-looking people calling ASU's campus home is well-deserved. Recently, the Princeton Review called ASU a "Barbie and Ken school," in their Best Colleges guide.

In the guide, one ASU student described campus life this way: “Lots of working out, tanning, dieting, highlighting, and plastic surgery. And everyone always seem to be talking on their cell phone.”

“Girls at ASU are really good looking," said computer science freshman Joey Molson. "There is a lot more stomach showing than usual.”

Guys like Molson may get caught looking, but that doesn't bother freshman Christina Lucio, who dresses for the occasion. Lucio struts her stuff and doesn't mind showing her stomach.

“This school has a large number of good looking boys,” she explained.

ASU's reputation has caught more than the eyes of prospective students, too. Playboy Magazine readers across the globe have become accustomed to seeing ASU co-eds pose in the magazine. Twenty-nine women have represented ASU in the magazine, the second highest amount in the PAC-10 conference.

Members of the Greek community model in the ever-so-popular annual swimsuit edition of the Greek Review, too.

But the reputation and dressing habits of many students has struck a nerve with some.

“I think people here care way too much about what they look like,” freshman Stacy Hoffman said.

Dressing up for class has become routine for many of the ASU "Barbies."

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